Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Fences by August Wilson
            Troy had a passion and love for the sport of baseball. His dream was to play in the Major Leagues but he never got the chance due to racial discrimination early on. As soon as the Major Leagues started accepting black players Troy had gotten too old. His son, Corey, has the same passion for football that Troy once had for baseball and wants to play college ball. However, Troy does not allow Corey to pursue his own dreams because he doesn't want his son to go through the same pain that he had gone through being denied by the Major Leagues even though times have changed. He wants his son to live what he thinks is a normal life and to work a "regular" old job instead of going out of the comfort zone.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Difference Between Watching and Reading "A Doll's House"

                                                  Henrik Ibsen's Play, "A Doll's House"

Reading "A Doll's House" and actually watching some of it had a different impact on me. While reading a play I am allowed to visualize the characters in a way that is different from other people that that have read the same play. As for "A Doll's House", I was able to visualize each character based off the way they act. For example, I saw my grandpa in place of Torvald because my grandpa acts like his the one in charge of the household and so does Torvald. Once I actually watched the play being acted out, I had to see Torvald being played by a person who didn't quite look like my grandpa.

Reading the play also had the affect on me that Nora was the reasonable one in the household and she should be able to leave the household to discover herself, and Torvald was being the rude one. However, after watching the play I could tell that Torvald really loves Nora and wants her to stay, but he's not able to tell her that because of the social construct during that time period; men don't show there emotions and feelings like woman do.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Trifles Blog Post

        While searching for things to bring Minnie Wright, who sits trial for murdering her husband, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale find crucial evidence that would suggest Minnie Wright as the murderer of her husband. They found Minnie's pet Canary bird dead in a fancy little box. The bizarre thing is that the Canary had been killed the same way Mr. Wright was, being suffocated by a rope around the neck. However, these two ladies feel bad for Mrs. Wright because they know that Mr. Wright wasn't a good husband and so they refrain from showing this evidence to the Sheriff and County Attorney.

        In my opinion, they should show the evidence of the dead bird and put their feelings and emotions toward Minnie aside and relize what she truly did. I've seen people get away with things they shouldn't off and believe they should be punished for their crimes. In this case, I believe there is enough evidence to prove that Minnie Wright is the killer and therefore should be punished for her crimes.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Review of Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge is a true story of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield), a medic during WII in the battle of Okinawa, who saved the lives of 75 men without handling a weapon. He was conscientious objector who believed that killing was wrong and saving people who were injured was the moral thing to do.

In general, I thought that this was a great film. It gave me an even closer insight of what WWII was actually like. In some movies that I have watched about WWII they don't show the gruesome
events that actually happened whereas Hacksaw Ridge was very gruesome and at times it even seemed horrific, but it gave me a closer experience of what war was actually like. The family aspects of this film were also a major part in the movie. Growing up as a child Desmond Doss had an alcoholic father who had served in WWI. His father demands his sons not to join the war because he believes that both of them will die, but they refuse his orders and sign up anyways. Another reason for me liking this film is because of my religion background and my beliefs. I grew up Catholic and I am also big believer in not killing and helping out others in need. Lastly, I am huge fan of this movie because it was a film that told a story I had never heard before. The last thing I want is a movie that is a remake of another movie.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Review of "Hidden Figures"

          Hidden Figures is a film about three African-American women, all highly intelligent in their respected areas, who work for NASA in the 1960's during the space race against the Russians. While working for NASA Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson show self-discipline and perseverance to achieve the "impossible".

          This film is now ranked among the top movies on my most favorite list. The will-power and strength of the main character, Katherine, made me experience this movie in a different way I would others. During emotionally tense scenes she had me so deeply engaged that I would literally talk to my screen. I would say things like, "How dare you do that" or "You Idiot" to the white males that would disrespect Katherine. An example of one of these incidences is when Paul Stafford, the leading male engineer, gave Katherine papers to check over and said that this is, "a dummy check." This just goes to show how African-American women were treated during this time period. I also loved how the other two women, Dorothy and Mary, displayed resilience in getting the jobs that were rightfully theirs. Dorothy wanted to be the supervisor of the West Area Computers and Mary wanted to become an aerospace engineer. At first they were both denied the opportunities for their dream jobs, but after further determination they were able to achieve the "impossible." This proves that no matter what society sets the bar at you can always break through it and prove them wrong. They believed in themselves and fought for what was theirs. Ever since my early preschool years I was taught to treat everyone from all races and cultures with respect because no matter where we come from we all pee the same color.  

Monday, February 12, 2018

The Amazing Power of a Dog

"My Life as a Dog" by Jonathan Foer has a ton of great points of why dogs in New York City parks should have off-leash hours. Foer, who is a dog owner himself, believes that dogs have a positive impact on humans and that off-leash hours have positives benefits for dogs. One could then assume that off-leash hours for dogs would have a positive affect on humans.

While reading Jonathan Foer's "My Life as a Dog", I felt that I could relate to him because I too have a dog and believe that all dogs should have time to run around and express themselves. Foer said, "...the more a dog is able to exercise...the happier it will be." I couldn't agree more! In my personal experience, a happy dog is a leash-free dog. Every time I walk my dog (Hank) with a leash, in town, it's almost like he's walking me. He's always trying to run around, and sometimes I'll sprint a little bit just to let him stretch his legs, but in reality I'm not as fast as him. At home, however, it's a different story. Hank is allowed to sprint up and down the lawn as fast as he can go and by the end of his crazy running spree he's huffing and puffing, but he always has a good attitude when he's done. And as Freud would state, "Happy dogs, like happy people, tend not to be aggressive."

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

My Top Five TV Shows and What They Say About Me

Different Types of Genres

   My Top Five Favorite TV Shows 

 The Flash
 The Office

Why Are These Shows Important To Me And What Do They Say About Me as An Individual?

All five of these TV shows are shows that I have or am currently watching on Netflix. I first heard about these shows from looking up reviews on the internet or from my friends. These shows are important to me because they allow my brain to take a rest from homework and other mind-bending things I have going on in my life.  If one was to look at my top five TV shows and learn something about me they might learn that I am a diverse man when it comes to types of genres of TV shows, and they would be right. These shows have action, comedy, romance, mystery, and crime. They might also assume that I have a dry sense of humor based of the show “The Office”, and they too would be making a correct statement. However, some wrong assumptions that someone might make about me based off these shows is that I love fictional TV shows and movies. I would rather be watching a TV show or movie that is a biography or based off true events.

How Do These TV Shows Connect Me To Something Larger?

Justice Scale
My TV show list suggests that I might become someone that helps my community in one-way shape or form, such as an officer of law. The top four TV shows on my list would highly indicate that suggestion, especially the top three. These three shows all have a crime fighting person or hero that devotes their time to stopping criminals from destroying their city. This list might also suggest that I would be ranked high up in the occupation that I had. For instance, if I was working for the FBI or the CIA I would be the director. They would indicate this because most of the shows have a main character that is the boss of someone or something.


Fences by August Wilson             Troy had a passion and love for the sport of baseball. His dream was to play in the Major Leagues bu...